Get "In The Flow"

We host a free live virtual co-working session on...



This isn’t a class or a course, it's a creative community for taking action.

During these extraordinary times, as SAG and WGA strike together to address the inadequate pay for actors and writers in the entertainment industry, it's crucial for all creatives to stand in solidarity.

Whether or not you are at the stage in your career where you belong to a union, this strike will help you (and every creative!) get the pay you deserve when you sell a show.

Right now is NOT the time to pitch to studios, networks, WGA signatories, members of the AMPTP.

It’s also NOT the time to audition for or act in TV or film projects with those organizations.

So where should you direct your energy and attention, if you’re not trying to crush pitch meetings or nail auditions?

In my experience, when one avenue of action is blocked, it’s redirect our attention and energy. 


That’s where In The Flow comes in.


In our weekly sessions, we’ll alternate between working on the outside (think: what we can do to support the strike and impact change) and on the inside (like getting grounded in this chaotic and uncertain time, fanning your internal creative flame, and developing your own spec script or TV project - not for a studio or network, but for yourself) so you and other creatives get paid well for your work.

As actors and writers, we’re usually so busy working (or trying to get work) on other people’s TV projects, studio projects, network projects, that we think we don’t have the time to cultivate our own.

This is a rare, galvanizing time where you can tap back into your own voice. Not to focus on selling to a studio or network. But to craft and tell that story that you couldn’t when you were under contract or trying to get a contract.

This is our time. It’s your time. Let’s get creative. Let’s get In The Flow.

See you soon,


These are the values and guidelines for our In The Flow Community! Read them through and make sure that you can uphold them.


PLAY. We play every step of the way. If we want to entertain others, we better start entertaining ourselves.

AUTHENTICITY. The stories we care about come from a real place. Those stories have legs - multiple episodes, multiple seasons - because we’ve lived them and have something to say about it.

IMPACT. We create TV for impact, to shape the world we want to see (or show the one we don’t).

ACCOUNTABILITY. We say what we’ll do, and then we do it. Our accountability partnerships gives us a 95% likelihood of completing our goal. Seriously.

RECIPROCITY. We give and we get. Reciprocity builds sustainable relationships and community. We make real connections with each other and with ourselves, in the industry and beyond.

WE VALUE STORIES FROM MARGINALIZED PEOPLE. We stand for empathy for the stories we haven’t heard, and stand against racism, sexism, homophobia, discrimination against any marginalized community. We stand against exploitation in every part of the creative process.

SURPRISE! We are spontaneous! We know that the good stuff happens in the moment, so we make space for that good stuff to come through.


Protect your intellectual property rights, and respect the intellectual property of others.
In other words, keep your eyes on your own paper. This is a space to move your creative projects forward, and one important piece of that is to be conscious of what you choose to share. If you do choose to share your written work (with an accountability partner, for example), register it with the WGA first.

Be respectful, even when you disagree.
This group is here to foster positive discussion. If you have value to add, respond! Hard conversations & vulnerable shares welcome - we’re about uplift, support and growth - not trolling or bullying.

This is an actively inclusive community.
We don’t ask Black and systemically marginalized folks to assume positive intent. We do suggest you cautiously assume folks who joined are doing/want to do the work needed on their unconscious biases. Any racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise discriminatory remarks against any marginalized community will be grounds for removal from the group.